
Feng Shui master and teacher Małgorzata Gałkowska-Błądek

Feng Shui Master & FSRC CEO

Małgorzata Gałkowska-Błądek

I started working with energy a long time ago, in the early 1990s. Before that, I earned a degree in Child Care and studied pharmacy. But the world of energy drew me in so much that it stayed with me forever. First ReiKi (I have 3 degrees of initiation), then Feng Shui. My first diploma of attending a classical Feng Shui course dates back to 1999! Then came the I Ching, Ba Zi Chinese astrology, Water Dragon Methods, Xuan Kong Da Gua Hexagram Method, Da Liu Ren, Zi Wei Dou Shu and Qi Men Dun Jia.

I studied various fields of Eastern Metaphysics at the world's most prestigious schools - Heluo Qi Explorations Netherlands, Raymond Lo School of Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology in Hong Kong, Joseph's Yu Feng Shui Research Center Canada and Joey Yap's The Mastery Academy of Chinese Methaphysics. Eventually, however, I became affiliated with Master Joseph Yu's school and founded the Polish branch of his school in 2005. In 2012, I received the title of Feng Shui Master from Master Joseph Yu.

As a consultant and lecturer for the Feng Shui Research Center Canada school, and as of July 2023, the official successor to Master Joseph Yu , I teach courses both licensed by Master Yu and my own original programs. My educational activities also extend abroad, including classroom lectures in Paris and online for the international community.

With almost thirty years of experience and accumulated knowledge, I can effectively assist clients from a variety of industries, including other Feng Shui consultants as well as executives, CEOs and investors. In the past, I have had the honor of organizing seminars with such authorities as GM Raymond Lo and Heluo (Roel Hill). Additionally, I have translated Raymond Lo's book "Feng Shui and Destiny" into Polish.

Privately, I am a wife (already more than 30 years on the road together) and mother of two wonderful sons, now grown. I love good books, movies, traveling and gardening.

A fascinating adventure in Feng Shui and transformations,
that changed my life

The celebration of the completion of our house became the beginning of an unusual adventure. Among the invited neighbors was a Feng Shui enthusiast, and for me, a person unaware of this field, it was a whole new world.

Our house has an interesting feature – as soon as you enter the vestibule, you encounter a wall, forcing you to turn to get to the main area. The neighbor in question pointed out this configuration, claiming that encountering a wall from the threshold is bad luck, and recommended that we hang a mirror. I agreed to this experiment, and a large, beautiful mirror decorated the entire wall.

What happened in just three days was unbelievable! Our lives changed dramatically – for the better, as far as you can imagine! I felt immense gratitude for this change. Only later, exploring the secrets of authentic Feng Shui, did I understand what really happened – the vestibule of our house turned out to be a place of concentration of the energy of wealth!

From that moment I fell in love with this knowledge. It became my passion to share it with others and help them discover how even small details can change their lives.

My great Teacher and Mentor - Master Joseph Yu

Feng Shui Master - Joseph Yu

Master Joseph Yu

Joseph Yu, the visionary behind the Feng Shui Research Center (FSRC) school, has dedicated over two decades, since 1998, to sharing his profound insights with students worldwide. Having recently retired, selected lecturers now carry on his legacy.

Born amidst World War II in a quaint village in southern China, Joseph Yu B.Sc. 余若愚 spent his formative years in the countryside, devoid of formal education until he reached Hong Kong at eleven. While many expected him to weave tales of learning astrology and Feng Shui from a monk during his youth, akin to other famed Feng Shui masters, Joseph chooses the truth.

In the early 1960s, Joseph pursued mathematics and physics at the University of Hong Kong, harboring a disdain for superstitions of any guise. His quest led him to libraries, meticulously scrutinizing ancient texts on astrology and Feng Shui, gradually kindling a fervor for the profound heritage of Chinese culture.

The crossroads emerged: embrace a career in astrology and geomancy or persist in mathematical and physical studies.

Astrology and Feng Shui often courted skepticism, condemned as superstitions with practitioners historically tarnished by allegations of fraud. A passage in a book echoed Joseph's sentiments: "With competent consultants, the facade of ignorant and fraudulent 'professionals' shall crumble." Aligned with this conviction, Joseph ventured into professional pursuits, offering accessible correspondence courses.

Fortuitously, while Joseph taught mathematics post-graduation, he found himself neighbor to an aged Feng Shui master. Despite lacking formal discipleship, the master generously shared the esoteric wisdom of the Five Arts with Joseph.

At a Chinese New Year gathering hosted by the master, accolades were bestowed upon Joseph: "This young man, though not my disciple, surpasses many, for his logical prowess and willingness to debate various tenets."

Months later, the old master passed away, leaving Joseph indebted for the invaluable legacy bequeathed unto him.

Master Joseph Yu about me: